Java Project Resources

Downloading and Running a BlueJ Project

  1. Download the ZIP file for the project linked below (you do not need to expand it).
  2. Within BlueJ, choose the File menu and select "Open Project".
  3. Select the downloaded ZIP file and choose "Open".
  4. The code and data files for the project are now ready to be used.

***Note that you need to right-click on a .atom file link to download it, then save the file in the same folder as your BlueJ project.

Examples From Videos and Quizzes

Earthquakes: Programming and Interfaces

Searching Earthquake Data

Video: Coding a Magnitude Filter

Video: Coding the Closest Quakes

Programming Exercise: Searching Earthquake Data

Practice Quiz: Searching Earthquake Data

* this file contains updated version of as of 1/12/16

Filtering Data

Programming Exercise: Filtering Data

Practice Quiz: Filtering Data

* this file contains updated version of as of 1/12/16


Graded Quiz: Earthquakes: Programming and Interfaces

Earthquakes: Sorting Algorithms

Implementing Selection Sort

Video: Translating to Code

Video: In Place

Programming Exercise: Implementing Selection Sort

Practice Quiz: Implementing Selection Sort

* this file contains updated version of as of 1/12/16

Sorting at Scale

Video: Introduction

Video: Ordering Quakes by Magnitude

Video: Comparator for Distance from a Location

Programming Exercise: Sorting at Scale

Practice Quiz: Sorting at Scale

* this file contains updated version of as of 1/12/16


Graded Quiz: Earthquakes: Sorting Algorithms

N-Grams: Predictive Text

Generating Random Text

Programming Exercise: Generating Random Text

Programming Exercise: Interface and Abstract Class

Word N-Grams

Programming Exercise: Word N-Grams

Programming Exercise: WordGram Class